In 2010, North Art Space initiated research and the “Exhibition of Alternative Spaces & Visual Arts Groups in Indonesia” as the first FIXER project. The exhibition was curated by Ade Darmawan and Rifky Efendi. The aim of FIXER 2010 at that time was to read about the development of the art collective and community that existed in Indonesia after the 1998 Reformation.
The reading focuses on the practice, both jointly and individually, as an artistic expression that has public awareness in managing various activities for a wide audience. There are 21 contemporary art communities/collectives spread across cities such as Jakarta, Bandung, Jatiwangi, Cirebon, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Malang, Surabaya, and Makassar which are mapped and then read about their practice strategies through the exhibition.
The communities/collectives chosen at that time were organizations and groups of artists who created a structure and model that was considered the most appropriate to answer existing needs with certain experiments that were by typical local realities and conditions. This contextual response then becomes a survival strategy—both sporadically and temporarily—in filling the “absence” of infrastructure, while continuously improving existing systems and structures, to achieve what is imagined as something ideal.